Green Zebra Games Apps

Tribal Spirits Slots 1.01
Green Zebra Games
Listen, if you are going to play slots youhave to speak to my shaman. This guy is legitimately connected tothe spirit world. Trust me, he can tell you how many lines tochoose and when to spin. If you listen to him – you’re going to winbig!Game Features► Tribal MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Real Hand Drawn HD graphics, Spirit Quality HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on slot machine wins with your shaman!► Magical auto-spin, free spins and mini games galore!► Boost your spiritual connection with boost multiplier!► Get wild with Wildcards► iPhone! All! Android! So the spirits say! iPad and tablet! Allsigns point to yes!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!There is a wild tribe that lives about five miles past the edgeof town. They are one of these tribes that has never really exposeditself to modernity. Anyways, the tribe has a shaman – I swear theguy is magical – he knows everything!“Hello, Mr. Shaman, my name is Fred, my friend Bill said I hadto speak to you.” “Yes, Fred, I had a vision that you would come,you want to ask me about your slots, correct?” “Yes, how did youknow?” “Fred, the spirits tell me everything.”“Now, about your slot game. Here is what you will do. 5 secondsbefore 3pm you will select 4 lines. At exactly 1 second past 3pmyou will spin. You will continue to do this every day for a month.If you do that, you will be a wealthy man.”“Wow, thank you Mr. Shaman. Had I known that you were so good atthis, I would have asked you the meaning of life or who I am goingto marry… any ideas?” “Sorry Fred, one question per customer.”Tribal Spirit Slots! The most spiritual fun you can have playingslots! This game is wildly exciting and full of tribal adventures!Download and play now!
Exotic Birds Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
Are you a bird lover? Then get ready to takewing. Be prepared to be stunned. And just when you thought itcouldn’t get any better – these birds will have you scoring MEGAWINS! So swipe, Download and Play NOW!Game Features► Exotic MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Quality HD graphics, Incredible HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on slot machine wins! Do it now before the birds flyaway!► Beautiful auto-spin, free spins and mini games galore!► Boost or bird watching ability with boost multiplier!► Get wild in the wild with Wildcards!► iPhone! Android! iPad and tablet!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!Did you know that there are about 10,000 different species ofbirds in the world? And that scientists believe birds evolved fromtheropod dinosaurs? Birds are incredible animals and they are somuch fun to watch – they are gorgeous! If you enjoyed CaesarsSlots, Hollywood Slots and Vegas Slots, then you will absolutelylove Exotic Birds slots! FREE!Let’s take a look at some of the birds that enjoy playingmulti-line slots as much as we do! First, the Eclectus Parrot. Thisparrot is most commonly found playing slots in the Solomon Islandsand in New Guinea. They love playing slots in the rainforest andcan fly as high as 1,000 meters!Next is the Scarlet Macaw. Scarlet, which is what we call herfor short, lives in Central and South America. This colorful parrotprefers undisturbed rainforests while playing slots! Scarlet isunique indeed, one interesting fact about scarlet is that she likesto eat unripe fruits, which most animal avoid!If you love HD graphics, HD sound, free perks and the bestthemed exotic bird slots available, then this is the slot for you.This exotic bird slot will have you feeling like you’re making akilling while appreciating your favorite winged friends. Use yourwildcards to bring more birds. Download and PLAY NOW! FREE!Here is what some of our fans are saying!This is a great slot – thank you!Awesome slot!!!!!Thanks for this, the birds are so beautiful!Love it!
Concert Slots 1.02
Green Zebra Games
It’s the sound of a screaming guitar, thedrums slowly pumping the crowd and the first hit song that makesyour heart nearly jump out of your chest! That’s right! Its concertslotsGame Features► Concert MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Rock’en HD graphics, Deafening HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins!► On stage auto-spins, free spins and mini games galore► Jam with boost multiplier!► Get wild with Wildcards► iPhone! Hell Ya Android! Hells Ya iPad and tablet! Rock it!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!Rock concerts, rap concerts, classical concerts – it reallydoesn’t matter. There is nothing better than live music and slots!So buy your tickets, spin those slots and get ready to rock! If youlove free slot games like Hit it Rich, Music TV Slots and Vegasslots, then you are going to love Concert Slots! The best musicslots on the net!Who is your favorite band? Really ACDC? They are great! It’s allabout that TNT – its dynamite! And Thunderstruck! I saw ACDC inconcert once – best concert of my life! The music was awesome, theband rocked and they had the best slots!What concert are you going to? I am going to a Jay-Z concert. Heis that man. His beats and rhymes are kick ass! I’m talking aboutEmpire State of Mind and Big Pimpin’ this concert is going to beoff the hook! And, I heard they will be spinning some awesomemulti-line slots!I can’t get enough of these concerts! This is by far the bestConcert Slot EVER! Play Concert Slots! Boost multiplier will haveyou flying! Hit the mosh-pit and start spinning! FREE multi-lineslots and wild wildcards! This will be a night like you have neverhad. Download NOW!Game Lovers SayThis game is Kick Ass!Great music, awesome graphics!Greatest slot ever!!!!!!!!!Legit pokie!
SWAT Slots 1.03
Green Zebra Games
Load up team, we got the call. There is a bankrobber downtown who is holding up seven hostages! It’s unclear justexactly what the robber was after, but he seemed to avoid the vaultand cash and headed straight for the slots. MEGA WINS and FREESPINS!Game Features► SWAT MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Tactical Weapons HD graphics, Exploding HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on slot machine wins with the team!► Police those auto-spin, free spins and mini games galore!► Find your mark with boost multiplier!► Get wild with Wildcards► iPhone! Yes! Android! Yes! iPad and tablet! Yes!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!The SWAT truck just pulled up! The police are everywhere.Weapons are drawn and everyone is waiting, anticipating - what willthe perp’s next move be. Will this end in a shootout… or will theperp be dragged away in cuffs? If you enjoy free slot games likeHit it Rich, Wild Wolfpack and Slot Machine Wild Safari? Thenyou’ll love SWAT Team Slots! FREE!In the command center, we are about to get live feed into thebuilding. We have tactical units infiltrating the building as wespeak. We have tapped into the building’s cameras and are waitingfor the right moment.Captain, I think it’s time to move. The perp just sat down for agame of slots. If we take him out now, we can minimize civiliancasualties! What about the slot machine? Can we get a clean shotwithout destroying the slot? Yes, Captain. This guy is toast!SWAT Team Slots is the best SWAT slots on the NET! With HD handdrawn graphics and piercing HD Sound! You won’t find a better slot!This game has it all! Multiple lines, BIGGER bets and FREE SPINS.Not to mention the FREE COINS and AUTO-SPIN. If you are looking fora tactical commando adventure, this is the slot for you!Here is what some fans are sayingKiller slot!SWAT, Weapons and slots! Kick ASS!Fun, thrilling, love it.Thanks for this pokie!
Star Warriors Slots 1.01
Green Zebra Games
Not so long ago, in a nebula far far away…It’s not quite a civil war, but rebel spaceships are attacking theevil Cosmic Empire in their impenetrable star fortress. Utilizinghidden bases, the rebel force was victorious in its firstintergalactic strike…. Star Warriors Slots! Swipe, DOWNLOAD andplay now for free!Game Features► Galactic MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Star Warriors HD graphics, Alien HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on slot machine wins with your blasters!► Force Sabers, auto-spins, free spins and mini games galore!► Fight the Empire with boost multiplier!► A wild alien adventure with Wildcards► iPhone! Great, kid! Android! Don’t get cocky! iPad and tablet! Istill get a funny feeling…!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!It was a quiet morning on planet Tatini, when Luck Skyrunnerfirst met those devious little robots. “You’re the only one who canhelp us!”, they kept repeating! What help could young Skyrunnergive them – he has yet to learn the ways of the mysterious Power.Do you love free slot games like Hit it Rich, Wild Wolfpack andSlot Machine Wild Safari? Then you’ll love Star Warriors Slots!FREE!The evil Empire and their dark cyborg champion - the invincibleWrath Vengar are in search of these little robots, Skyrunner doesnot have much time to learn how to use his force saber – soon hewill be thrust into the heat of battle with alien comrades. He mustjoin forces with Hanes Soco, in order to train with the mastersamongst the stars.MEGA WINS and FREE SPINS will not be enough to end this war ofthe stars! The rebel forces will need more laser firepower, morespaceships and a true force master! Using his force field saberSkyrunner can save the nebula. Can this ancient weapon weaponsmatch a laser blaster though?!?Star Warriors Slots is the best warring slot in the galaxy! WithHD hand drawn graphics and piercing HD Sound! You won’t find abetter slot! This game has it all! Multiple lines, BIGGER bets andFREE SPINS. Not to mention the FREE COINS and AUTO-SPIN. If you arelooking for an adventure in the stars, this is the slot foryou!Here is what some fans are sayingStar Warriors is the best slot out there!Wars, stars, lasers and aliens… awesome!Tons of fun, I absolutely love it.Greatest pokie ever!
Millionaire Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
How did you make your first million? Make myfirst million? Daddy made the millions! I just spend the money!!FREE SPINS and MEGA WINS! PLAY NOW!Game Features► First time millionaire MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Finest HD graphics, Optimum HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins! Let’s take theYacht!► Auto-spin, free spins and mini games galore► Boost the cash with boost multiplier!► Go wild at your mansion with Wildcards► iPhone! Yes! Android! Yes! iPad and tablet! Yes!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!Welcome to the wealthiest cartoon slot around! Millionairecartoon characters playing slots in their finest clothes – on theiryachts of course! Order some caviar and sip some Champaign!Do you enjoy free slot games like My Vegas, Music TV Slots andHollywood Slots? Then you’ll really love Millionaire Slots! Itwon’t cost you a cent!Are you going to the party tonight? Where is it dear? I believeit will be at Walter’s Beverly Hills mansion. Would you care toaccompany me? Just be sure to wear the diamonds I got you! We needto flaunt as much as we can – the slot machine tournament will betaking place!Can you believe this Yacht! It is completely decked out! It hasits own theater, ten cabins, a full size gym! Man, the guys whoowns this thing is loaded! Yea, that’s not all! He has slots downstairs! I took my chance at a FREE SPIN and man did I WIN BIG – Imight just by this yacht!Get ready for the best Millionaire Slot around! Be prepared todouble down on multi-line slots and rake in the MEGA WINS! Use yourBoost Multiplier to make you one of the rich and famous! Its onlyone spin away! Millionaire Slots feature completely hand drawn HDGraphics and the Best Sound money can buy! This will be the Slotexperience of a life time. DOWNLOAD NOW and ENJOY!Fans SayIt’s about time some came out with a good millionaire slot! Thanku!Bad ass! Thanx!I love the graphics!Awesome pokie!
Firefighter Slots 1.01
Green Zebra Games
Do you smell smoke? Is that the crackle offire? Oh man! The house next door is on fire! Quick, call the firedepartment! Its time to reward these heroes – they deserve somerest, relaxation and slots!Game Features► Fire fighting MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Fiery HD graphics, Burning HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on slot machine wins with your favoritefirefighter!► Capture those Auto-spin, free spins and mini games galore!► Put our fires with boost multiplier!► Get wild with Wildcards► iPhone! Yes! Android! Yes! iPad and tablet! Yes!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!Listen up firemen and firewoman – yes you too Dalmatian – wehave a fire to put out. So grab your axes your uniforms and let’sget into the truck! It’s going to be a late night. If you enjoyedfree slot games like Hit it Rich, Wild Wolfpack and Slot MachineWild Safari? Then you’ll love Firefighter Slots! FREE!Wow, look at that fire! We certainly have our work cutout forus! Quick, let’s make a plan. First, we need to save all of theslot machines! That’s your job! Take the Dalmatian with you. Nextwe need to get control of these flames. Bob, hook the truck up tothe water pump and let’s get some water on this place.Great job – now that the majority of the flames are out and theslots are safe – let’s try to save this building. We need to gofrom room to room. Be careful – you never know what is on the otherside of the door. And don’t play the slots now – we will doubledown and hit some free spins when we get home!Firefighter slots is the best slots on the NET! You won’t wantto stop playing – the HD graphics will make you feel the flames onyour face! This game is packed with more benefits than any slot outthere! Free spins, wild cards, mega wins and don’t forget to doubledown! If you are looking for a fiery slot adventure, this is theslot for you!Here is what some firefighters are sayingKiller slot!Fires, Firefighters and slots! Kick ASS!Fun, awesome, love it.Thanks for this pokie!
Drinking Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
Are you ready for a wild night of slotspinningdrinking games? Then you have come to the right place! Thebestdrinks combined with the best multi-line slots on the net!Bitch’in!Drinking Slots! FREE SPINS AND MEGA WINS! Swipe andDownload NOW!Game Features► MEGA wins and Shots!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Whiskey HD graphics, Vodka HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins in the tavern!► Booze, auto-spin, free spins and mini games galore► Hit the club with boost multiplier!► Go wild tequila wild with Wildcards► iPhone! YES Android! YES iPad and tablet! YES► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!► Auto spins and Fast stop!► Premium sound effects► Mini games galore!!!Alright drinkers, it’s time to see who has what it takes to beareal slot boozer! We’re talking alcohol, jack pots and thefanciestdrinks you can buy! Are you ready for a wild ride? Then getreadyto flip for Drinking Slots! Completely Free!Want to play a drinking game? Trust me, this one is great!Hereis how it works. We will play a round of slots and for eachlineyou win you have to take a shot! If you win a jackpot, thenyouhave to take two! Sounds fun right?The only question left is what are you drinking? What areyourchoices? You name it! We have all the best stuff. TeelingSingleGrain Irish Whiskey, Jager, tequila! If you want somethingmixed, Ican make you a Sex on the Beach, Rum & Coke or a WhiteRussian– what do you think?Drinking Slots is the best SLOT out there! The HD qualitywillmake you feel like you’ve already had a few! The crystalclearsound will make you feel like you’re hanging out with yourbuddiesat the tavern. Get ready for 20 real slots with your choiceof linecount!!!! Play now!
BIG Cats Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
Hey cat lovers! Have we got some cats foryou!No, we aren’t talking about your little house cat! And thesearen’tyour crazy alley cats! We’re talking about big cats! Lions,tigersand jaguars! Get ready to spin slots with some roaringfelines!Game Features► Big MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Killer HD graphics!► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins!► Lynx, auto-spins and free spins!► Hunting boost with boost multiplier!► Go wild with Wildcards► iPhone! YES Android! YES iPad and tablet! YES► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!► Auto spins and Fast stop!► Premium sound effects► Mini games galore!!!Have you ever see cats this big hunt their prey? It’ssomethingto see! They can run faster, jump higher and sneak morequietlythen anything you have ever seen! These cats can double downontheir slots with one paw while hunting a gazelle withtheother!Just look how majestic the liger is! This mix between lionandtigress really makes for one beautiful creature! The body andmainof a lion and the stripes of a tiger! But don’t be fooled! Thiscatcan hunt with the best of them! So watch yourself.The cheetah is known as the fastest cat around, but didanyoneever tell you that it’s the coolest cat around? The cheetahis onesmooth feline! So if you want to hang with some cool catswhileplaying your slots – this might be the cat to chat with!You can’t help but love BIG Cat Slots! The sound of theslotswill have you spinning with the tigers! This multi-line slotwillkeep you playing for hours on end. HD graphics that will makeyouroar like a LION! FREE SPINS, Boost multiplier, Bigger Max Betandmuch more!
Slots of the Nile 1.0
Green Zebra Games
The god of the Nile calls to you!Cleopatraherself called your name! The rich bounty of the Niledelta is allbut yours! All you must do is decipher thehieroglyphics! MEGA slotWINS and FREE SPINS! Play NOW!Game Features► Cleopatra MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Pyramid HD graphics!► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins!► The Sphynx, auto-spins and free spins!► Egyptian living with boost multiplier!► Go wild with Wildcards► iPhone! YES Android! YES iPad and tablet! YES► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!► Auto spins and Fast stop!► Premium sound effects► Mini games galore!!!Life on the Nile is unlike anything you have ever know!Thegreatest ancient kingdom of all time emerged from itsfertileplains! But where there is great wealth and power, there isalsodanger and adventure! Can you bypass the traps and make ittoPharaoh’s palace where premium Egyptian slots await?There will be a banquet tomorrow in Pharaoh’s palace to honorthebounty of the Osiris! The entertainment consists of dancersbroughtfrom all over the ancient world! The palace will be teamingwithguards! There will be no easy way in, but if you make it –justbeyond his throne is a multi-line slot that will rockyourworld!I’m past the sphinx, beyond the statue of Pharaoh andalmostinside the throne room! That slot is so close I can taste it!OnceI get inside I just have to get past the queen, then I candoubledown on my mega wins! I know that slot has auto spins andfaststops that will make me richer than Pharaoh himself! Let’sdothis!Now that you are in you can rack up earnings on the Slots oftheNile! Star spinning so you can star winning! Check out thebesthand drawn HD Graphics in the slot world and the best premiumsoundeffects. All the slots you can handle! Download and play Slotsofthe Nile for Free NOW!
Astronaut Slots 1.01
Green Zebra Games
Do you have what it takes? Are you the bestofthe best? Can you think a mile a minute, while orbiting the earth–and playing slots? If so, then this is the slot for you!Space,Stars, Zero-Gravity! Are you ready for a wild ride?Game Features► Spaceship MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Starry HD graphics!► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins! Blast off!► Rocket powered auto-spin, free spins!► Take off with boost multiplier!► Go wild with Wildcards► iPhone! Yes! Android! Yes! iPad and tablet! Yes!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!► Auto spins and Fast stop!► Spaciest of sound effects!► Mini games galore!!!Space, from time to time we all gaze into your vast,unknownbeauty. We wonder, we wait to discover your deepest truthsand mostintimate secrets. But when we are not thinking about you,space, weare playing slots!I have been waiting for this day for 42 years. The day thatIfinally get to go into space. I was hired by NASA to work on astargazing project – in hopes of identifying new galaxies. Whoknows ifwe will? I, however, just can’t wait to get up there.Life in the spaceship is no picnic. It’s a lot of hard workandself-regulation. But, we do have one benefit! We haveAstronautSlots! We have slot tournaments every “night.” We play asoften aswe can. But, we aren’t playing – we are still having fun.It’scrazy to see a planet while orbiting the earth!Astronaut Slots is one of the best slots on the net! Notonlydoes its HD graphics blow other slots out of the sky! But itscrispHD sound will make you feel like you are on thespaceship!Multi-line slots Astronaut style! The best perks likedoubling downfree spins. If you like slots, you’ll love this!
B Movies Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
Get ready for a blast from the past! Allofyour favorite B movie characters meet in one online multi-lineslotexperience, which will have you reminiscing for hours.DownloadNow! FREE SPINS, MEGA WINS! FREE SLOTS!Game Features► Cheesy MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Retro HD graphics and HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on slot machine wins Hobgoblins!► Auto-spin, free spins and mini games galore!► Save your winnings with boost multiplier!► Wildcards at that wild party!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!
Graffiti Slots 1.01
Green Zebra Games
Listen here all you street artists,yougraffiti masters, you spray paint stars – we have a challengeforyou! That’s right! Slots and graffiti. Can you paint this townwiththe wildest street art out there, while bringing home theslotjackpot? Graffiti Slots! MEGA WINS FREE SPINS!Game Features► Street art MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Hand Painted HD graphics, On the Street HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on slot machine wins and killer graffiti spins!► Awesome art, auto-spins, free spins and mini games galore► Boost you art with boost multiplier!► Get wild with Wildcards► iPhone! Yes. Android! Yes! iPad and tablet! Hell Yes!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!Listen up ya’ll – this is the Graffiti Slot challenge. Let’slaydown the ground rules! The first rule of the GraffitiSlotchallenge is that it is top secret. You will be painting CityHall– so don’t let this get out. The next and final rule – don’tgetcaught!Alright. The first challenge is to deck out the highwayoverpass!You can paint whatever you want, but you cannot spin yourslot untilyou have finished drawing. Any questions? Good. Goodluck andremember, if you get caught painting your cool art – youdon’t knowus!Alright bro, what are you going to paint? I have an idea, tellmewhat you think. I am going to put a giant slot machine in thecenterof the overpass and behind it two large eyes. It will belike theslots gods are watching you play. What do you think aboutthat!That’s really cool!Graffiti Slots by far features the coolest street art outthere!On walls, buildings, canvas and cars – you name it! This slotisequipped with HD graphics, HD Sound and the ability to doubledown!Play today and see the MEGA WINS and the FREE SPINS!DownloadNOW!
Jurrasic Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
If you love dinosaurs and paleontology thenwehave the slot for you! Get ready to take a ride through time totheJurassic Age! Where you will encounter the most realistic imagesofthe dinosaurs of that time! Are you ready to go on a Jurassicride?Jurassic Slots! MEGA slot WINS and FREE SPINS! Play NOW!Game Features► Ancient MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Dinosaur HD graphics!► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins!► Fossils, auto-spins and free spins!► Boost knowledge with boost multiplier!► Old creatures and Wildcards► iPhone! YES Android! YES iPad and tablet! YES► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!► Auto spins and Fast stop!► Premium sound effects► Mini games galore!!!We made an incredible find earlier this week! You have tocomesee it! What is it that we are looking at? That my friend isadiscovery from the Jurassic period, which will changeourunderstanding of dinosaurs forever! What you are looking at arethefossils of a brachiosaurus and an ancient slot machine.How old do you thinks these fossils are? Like I said, theyarefrom Jurassic period – so they are about 145 million years ago.Wow– are you trying to tell me that dinosaurs 145 million yearsagolove to play slots as much as we do?We will be collecting these fossils and taking them directlytothe British museum for preservation and research! But I thinkwewill conclude that yes, dinosaurs loved slots. Who knew thatwecould learn so much from these old bones! It’s amazingwherescience has brought us!Now that you have arrived in the Jurassic period you can rackupearnings with your favorite dinosaurs! Star spinning so youcanstar winning! Check out the best hand drawn HD Graphics in theslotworld and the best premium sound effects. All the slots youcanhandle! Download and play Jurassic Slots for Free NOW!
Bullfighting Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
Welcome, one and all, to the most excitingsloton the net! That’s right! We are talking about Spain’sfavoritepastime – the dangerous bullfight! Are you ready to screamwithexcitement then you have come to the right place!Game Features► MEGA wins and big bulls!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Hand drawn HD graphics, Crisp HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins and fight the bull!► Danger, auto-spins, free spins and mini games galore► Boost your chances with boost multiplier!► Wild bullfights with Wildcards► iPhone! Android! iPad and tablet!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!The arena is packed! There are people here from all overtheworld, just to see the famous matador! The bullfighting willbeginshortly, but in the meantime we have some localentertainment!Enjoy the festive dancing from the ladies ofSpain!The matador has entered the arena! The bull will beenteringshortly! Pay attention to how the matador doubles down onhis slotsbefore every bullfight! It’s incredible! Ah, here comesthe bulleveryone! Get ready for a show of a lifetime! Are youready!Wow, did you see the bull nearly hit him that time! He has gottobe careful! The matador has speared the bull several times now –butthat has only made the bull angry and more threatening! This isadangerous game my friends! Do you want to play?You can’t help but love Bullfighting Slots! The sound oftheslots and the thought of a bullfight are just too alluring.Thisbullfighting, multi-line slot game will keep you captivatedforhours. Hand drawn HD graphics and matador HD sound will drawyouin. Download and play now! FREE!
Biker Slots 1.01
Green Zebra Games
Meet the gang – the biker gang! Thebiggest,meanest bikers on the road! Don’t look at them the wrongway, youmay end up limping home! So sit back, buy them a beer andstartspinning Biker Slots with your new friends! Play NOW! MEGAslotWINS and FREE SPINS!Game Features► Tough MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Awesome HD graphics!► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins!► Power, auto-spins and free spins!► Boost your bike with boost multiplier!► Wild rumble Wildcards► iPhone! YES Android! YES iPad and tablet! YES► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!► Auto spins and Fast stop!► Premium sound effects► Mini games galore!!!Oh man, look over there! In the distance! The bikes – Ithinkthat’s the Hell’s Angles! They are the toughest biker gang ontheWest Coast! They go up and down robing, rumbling – I hearedtheyeven killed a guy!I just got a new Harley! I think I am going to join a bikergang!Really, why? Because I love to hit the open road, I love todrinkbeer and I do enjoy a fight every once in a while! What doyouthink? Am I tough enough?Things between the Hell’s Angles and the Black Knightsaregetting kind of hot! They are in a power struggle to see whowillcontrol this area! It would be wise to stay out of their way…theyare pretty tough guys!You can’t help but love Biker Slots! It’s the most excitingandfun biker slot around! The sound of the slots will have youbuyinga new Harley! This multi-line slot will keep you playing forhourson end. HD graphics that will make pop open a beer! FREESPINS,Boost multiplier, Bigger Max Bet and much more. You gottacheckthis out! And text your friends – they’re going to love ittoo!
Juicy Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
Are you ready for a tasty tropicalvacation?Get out of the city and start living they way you weremeant to!Fresh juice, healthy living and relaxation! Here on theislands youcan be the person you always wanted to be! Juicy Slots!MEGA slotWINS and FREE SPINS! Play NOW!Game Features► Yummy MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Wonderful HD graphics!► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins!► Islands, auto-spins and free spins!► Boost your health with boost multiplier!► Live wildly with Wildcards► iPhone! YES Android! YES iPad and tablet! YES► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!► Auto spins and Fast stop!► Premium sound effects► Mini games galore!!!If you are someone who loves healthy living, nice vacationsandthe relaxing island lifestyle, then this is the slot for you!JuicySlots is the yummiest slot around! Play while drinkinghealthy,tropical fruit juices!Once you have finished your tasty breakfast – make sure to waitahalf hour – then get changed into your swimsuit! Time to swim intheclearest waters at the best white sand beaches on earth! Areyouexcited?Once you finished your swim, you will be on your way tothetropical jungles! Hike up ancient volcanos and see the worldlikeyou have never seen it before. When you need a break, take aseat,have a bit of juice and spin your slots!Now that you are on the island, you can really get in onjuicyearnings! Start spinning so you can start winning! Check outthebest hand drawn HD Graphics in the slot world and the bestpremiumsound effects. All the slots you can handle! Download andplayJuicy Slots for Free NOW!
Dessert Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
Watch out Candy Land, you can’t handlesthesesweets! We’re talking candy, sugar, cakes, chocolate andmore!Probably the sweetest thing, though, is the slots! How aboutthatfor a cherry on top.Game Features► Milkshake MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Delicious HD graphics, Tasty HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins! Candy Bag!► Dessert auto-spins, free spins and mini games galore► Get a sugar boost with boost multiplier!► Wild candy with Wildcards► iPhone! Yum! Android! Mmm! iPad and tablet! Delicious!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!What is your favorite part of the meal? What? The maincourse?Are you crazy? The best part of the meal is dessert ofcourse! Infact, in my family we start with dessert – even beforeslots!What are you serving for dessert tonight? Well, I thoughtperhapsI would get everyone excited with slots at first. Thenslowing bringout tiny bits of candy. Then, when everyone thinksthey are full andthere is nothing else… I will bring out the iceAND whippedcream.That sounds good. But not as good as what Bob is going toserveat his slot tournament! What? What is our head chef going toserve?Rumor has it that he is going to serve a homemade cheesecake!Andknowing our dear head chef, it will be covered with toppingsandshaved chocolate!Okay, fine… I know. I will build a giant slot machine made outofpure milk chocolate. I will place the slot machine in the middleofthe room and place little plates around it. On each plate willbe amini-chisel – so that everyone can chisel off the chocolatetheywant!Dessert Slots will blow your mind. Call your friends andstartplaying? You can’t eat this by yourself! Start spinning andseewhat is served! This slot will suck you in for hours on end.Andremember – you can’t beat playing slots while eatingdessert!
Lucky Coin Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
Are you feeling lucky? How lucky? Luckyenoughto double down on this classic slot? Your wildest dreams aresomeslots spins away! We are talking untold gold and riches here!LuckyCoin Slots! MEGA slot WINS and FREE SPINS! Play NOW!Game Features► Awesome MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Classic HD graphics!► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins!► Jackpot, auto-spins and free spins!► Boost your winnings with boost multiplier!► Wild nights with Wildcards► iPhone! YES Android! YES iPad and tablet! YES► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!► Auto spins and Fast stop!► Premium sound effects► Mini games galore!!!If you thought you needed the luck of the Irish to score bigonthis slot, then you were mistaken my friend – a simpleluckyrabbit’s foot will do! Joking aside – this classic slot dishesoutsome of the biggest winnings around… so if you feel luckyyoushould play!What distinguishes lucky Vegas slot players from unluckyones?The answer is pretty simple and I will sum it up in just oneword!– Being filthy rich, gold, more than extra cash, happiness,joy andwinning lots and lots of money!These casinos know how to treat big rollers – so make sure tobringyour lucky streak with you.How much win is enough? Is there even such a thing as toomuchwin?!!? Scientists are still debating the subject, but theyallagree that if such a thing exists, it’s going to be a LOT ofluck…Well, it’s good you’re here to flex your luck with theseslots!Now that you are a classic slot fan, you can really get inonmulti-line earnings! Start spinning so you can start winning!Checkout the best hand drawn HD Graphics in the slot world and thebestpremium sound effects. All the slots you can handle! Downloadandplay Lucky Coins Slots for Free NOW!
Dungeon Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
Welcome to my dungeon – it is a place deartomy heart. Can you hear the scraping of shackles on the coldstonefloors – that is the sound of anyone who has ever tried tooutdo mein multi-line slots!Game Features► Dungeon treasure MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Dark HD graphics, Foreboding HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins! What do you havetolose?► Escape the dungeon master with auto-spin, free spins andminigames galore► Boost your hope with boost multiplier!► Wildcards – it’s about as wild as you can be!► iPhone? Yes! Android? YEs! iPad and tablet? YES!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!Deep inside the darkest quarter of Vladimir’s dungeon – thereisa cell. Underneath one of the bricks of that cell is a map – yes,amap! If you can find the map, it will lead you to a treasurebeyondyour wildest dreams – that’s right, Slots!Before we enter the dungeon light a torch. Vladimir did notwantanyone to be able to see how he would torture his prisoners. Soheforbid having any lights in the place! Great now that you havethetorch all you need to do is spin the slot machine three timesinorder to open the gate! Quickly, spin now while you havethechance.Great work, we are in side. What? The gate just closed behindus?How are we going to get out? Once we get the map, we willsimplychallenge Vladimir to a slot tournament – then he will haveto letus out! Wait… didn’t he put everyone in the dungeon forchallenginghim?You are out of luck and out of time. The only way out ofthisdungeon is to defeat Vladimir. Don’t get scared – just remembertodouble down and use your auto-spins, free spins and wildcards!This will be one slot to remember!
Glory Of Beer Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
How can we talk about beer without quotingthegreat Benjamin Franklin – Beer is proof that God loves us andwantsus to be happy! If you are a beer lover who enjoys a goodparty,then you have come to the right place! Glory of Beer Slots!MEGAslot WINS and FREE SPINS!Game Features► Awesome MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Killer HD graphics!► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins!► Beer bongs, auto-spins and free spins!► Boost your winnings with boost multiplier!► Wild parties and Wildcards► iPhone! YES Android! YES iPad and tablet! YES► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!► Auto spins and Fast stop!► Premium sound effects► Mini games galore!!!Hey party animals! Get ready to shoot your beer bong and playsomebeer pong! This slot is going to rock your world! So turn upthemusic, pop open a six pack and get ready for somedrunkenjackpots!Drinking games are the best! Have you heard of this one? It’scalledGlory of Beer Slots shots! Every time you spin a jackpot orget amega win – you take a shot! The best part about this game is–that’s right – no hangovers!There is nothing better than a wild party on Saturday night! Wejustneed to keep those cops away! Let’s soundproof the house,bring in alive band and party like it's 1999! This will be thebest houseparty in the history!You can’t help but love Glory of Beer Slots! It’s the mostexcitingand fun classic slot around! The sound of the slots willhave youpartying all night long! This multi-line slot will keep youplayingfor hours on end. HD graphics that will make you spin likeadrunkard!! FREE SPINS, Boost multiplier, Bigger Max Bet andmuchmore.
4th of July Slots 1.01
Green Zebra Games
A parade marches down Main Street!It'sIndependence Day! WIN BIG!!!You can’t stop collecting those MEGA WINS! A parade marchesdownMain Street. Fireworks displays light up the night sky. Thereareceremonies to honor heroes and picnics in the backyard.It’sIndependence Day all the time when you play 4th of JulySlots.Don’t wait to celebrate with star-spangled JACKPOTS andpatrioticPAYOUTS!★★★★★Game Features★★★★★► Celebrate the birth of the USA with HD graphics that make4thof July come alive.► Music and sounds are in HD as well, you won’t find a betterslotexperience for your mobile device!► Everyone loves Independence Day---Now you can celebrate withMEGAWINS!► SCATTER SYMBOLS show up on three reels and you are playing inaBONUS ROUND!► Those FREE SPINS will make you want to dance as the bandmarchespast!► DOUBLE DOWN on that bet and watch your winnings soar as highasthe evening’s fireworks display.► Every time you level up you will receive FREE COINS!► Get a WILD SYMBOL and you will WIN BIG!Do you have a cookout to celebrate 4th of July? Maybe seeingthebig parade in the afternoon and the huge fireworks displayslaterin the evening? Would you rather head to the beach or a laketoswim? Everyone celebrates in one way or another! Now you canpaytribute to Independence Day and get HUGE PAYOUTS, too! With 4thofJuly Slots the WINS just keep on coming and the fun andexcitementof the holiday never stops! As you match those symbolsand thewinnings keep adding up you will be overjoyed at this newway tocelebrate!Share the news about this newest slot phenomenon withyourfriends and family! Who will win the most? How many BONUSROUNDSwill your friends get…Can you get more? Invite everyonetocelebrate 4th of July by downloading this great app rightaway!It’s never too soon to start the party and be the BIG WINNER!Playanytime you want to and anywhere you take your mobile device.StartSPINNING and WINNING right away! HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!
Mile High Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
Did she just wink at me? That girl who justgotup and started walking to the back of the plane. I think shewantsme to follow her! Wow, she’s beautiful! I think the time hascome tojoin the mile high club!Game Features► beautiful MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Stunning hand drawn HD graphics and HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on slot machine wins with your stewardess!► Secret winks, auto-spin, free spins and mini games galore!► Get a pretty boost with boost multiplier!► Get wild on the plane with Wildcards!► iPhone! Android! iPad and tablet!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!The ladies love a man in uniform – this I know. I was flyingbackfrom base one year, when I noticed this pretty little thinggivingme those “come and get me” eyes. She got one look at myuniform andshe wanted me to play slots with her the entireflight!Stewardess! Yes captain? Can I trouble you for another cupofcoffee? Why, sure captain. How would you like it? I will takethecoffee with cream and sugar! But when you get back – let’s playagame of slots!Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. Weareheading into some heavy winds and will be experiencingsometurbulence. Please buckle up. And for those of you who arejoiningthe Mile High Club – this is going to be a bumpy ride!Enjoy!Now that you love Mile High Slots you can really get inonmulti-line earnings! Start spinning so you can start winning!Checkout the best hand drawn HD Graphics in the slot world and thebestpremium sound effects. All the slots you can handle! Downloadandplay Mile High Slots for Free NOW!
Skater Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
Are you ready for some extremeskateboarding?Then get ready for Skater Slots! The best skatersdoing the mostdaring tricks! We're talking death defying! And thebest part –these guys are doubling down on their slots whileskating!Game Features► Extreme MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Sport HD graphics!► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins!► Street art, auto-spins and free spins!► Boost your tricks with boost multiplier!► Wild stunts and Wildcards► iPhone! YES Android! YES iPad and tablet! YES► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!► Auto spins and Fast stop!► Premium sound effects► Mini games galore!!!Have you ever seen a skater go down a halfpipe, come up theotherside and do three or four back flips? Well you’re about to!Theseguys are crazy – their stunts are crazy and theirfearlessness iscrazy! This is going to be wild!Danger! Do not try this at home! The stunts that you are abouttosee on your slot screen are meant for professionals and thosewhocan defy death! If you can’t defy death and you are notaprofessional… then you may want to watch from a distance!Also, check this! The street art is off the hook! Thebestgraffiti – the coolest pictures! This is one kick ass slot! Sograbyour friends and start spinning! Double down at every chanceanddon’t be shy about your free spins! It's time to rake inthedough!You can’t help but love Skater Slots! The sound of the slotswillhave you skating to the skate park! This multi-line slot willkeepyou playing for hours on end. HD graphics that will make you doabackside heel flip! FREE SPINS, Boost multiplier, Bigger MaxBetand much more.
PayDirt Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
Welcome to the classiest classic slot onthenet! Classic fruit slots with all of the bells and whistles!Stepinto classic Las Vegas – where slots spit out real coins andyouknow when you’re a winner! Paydirt Slots! MEGA slot WINS andFREESPINS! Play NOW!Game Features► Awesome MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Classic HD graphics!► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins!► Jackpot, auto-spins and free spins!► Boost your winnings with boost multiplier!► Wild nights with Wildcards► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!► Auto spins and Fast stop!► Premium sound effects► Mini games galore!!!Vegas in the 1950’s was not like Vegas today! When youwalkedinto a casino, you were always dressed to the nines! Everyoneknewyou by name – and the waitresses memorized your favoritedrinks!Get ready for some retro slots!Paydirt Slots will take you back to a time when slots werepuregold! A time when you would sit down, put a quarter in andpullthat big black lever! You would watch the fruit in front ofyouspin until… one, two, three – Jackpot!And of course, once you hit the jackpot the machine wouldstartmaking noise! The lights would flash and the entire casinowouldcome over to see what you won! You instantly became themostpopular person there!Now that you are a classic slot fanatic, you can really get inonmulti-line earnings! Start spinning so you can start winning!Checkout the best hand drawn HD Graphics in the slot world and thebestpremium sound effects. All the slots you can handle! Downloadandplay Paydirt Slots for Free NOW!
Boxing Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
If you are going to be the best boxer intheworld – then you need to start working hard now! It’s going tobeeasy! Once you get in that ring, just knock out your opponentandget that belt – you will be on top of the world! Boxing Slots!MEGAslot WINS and FREE SPINS! Play NOW!Game Features► Championship MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Sport HD graphics!► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins!► Fight, auto-spins and free spins!► Boost your punch with boost multiplier!► Knock outs and Wildcards► iPhone! YES Android! YES iPad and tablet! YES► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!► Auto spins and Fast stop!► Premium sound effects► Mini games galore!!!Alright, listen up now – you have your first fight tonight!Makesure you don’t eat too much and stay loose! You are going tobefighting Frank the Fearsome! He sounds scary – but not as scaryasyou knocking him out cold! Get ready for this!Okay brother, you are about to be number 1! Spin some slotsandwin a jackpot – this will help you get into a good headspace!Now –don’t flirt with the ring girls, they will just distractyou!Remember stay sharp and don’t get yourself caught againsttheropes!Let the fight begin! Alright now, move around him! Now jab,jab!That’s right brother! Now hook! Good hit! Okay, okay stopplayingwith this guy – knock him out already! We don’t have allnight!There you go! You’re on your way to boxing glory!You can’t help but love Boxing Slots! The sound of the slotswillhave you putting on your boxing gloves! This multi-line slotwillkeep you playing for hours on end. HD graphics that will makeyoufeel like you knocked out Holyfield! FREE SPINS, Boostmultiplier,Bigger Max Bet and much more.
Greek Islands Slots 1.01
Green Zebra Games
Game Features► Ocean blue MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Premium HD graphics, Breathtaking HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on slot machine wins and luxury spins!► Ferry ride auto-spin, free spins and mini games galore► Boost your vacation with boost multiplier!► Get wild with Wildcards► iPhone! Yes. Android! Yes! iPad and tablet! Yes!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!Get ready for the vacation of a lifetime! A breathtaking viewofa gorgeous blue sea, blue roof capped mountains overlookingthewater. Quaint and serene landscapes – the only thing missingfromthis Greek Island vacation is a relaxing slot game! You’ve gotit!MEGA WINS FREE SPINS!There are so many Greek Islands to choose from – but don’tworry,they are all incredible! You simply can’t go wrong! Once youget offthe ferry you will step foot into paradise.Santorini is a must! Wake up to the sunrise over the ocean!Siton your porch and eat a relaxing breakfast overlookingincredibleviews of the Island and the water! Take a break fromthebreathtaking views to play some multi-line slots – then set outtoexplore the local shops, activities and of course the food!Next stop, Rhodes! Get ready to be blown away by ancientruins,beautiful beaches and vibrant locals! Hop on a boat for a daysail,come back and taste Rhodes finest cuisine and then hit theslotsfor some nightlife action! Tomorrow, head out for some of thebestIsland hiking you can find! This is a trip to remember!Greek Island Slots is the best combination you can find! Yourtwofavorite pastimes – unforgettable vacations and slots! This HDslotwill transport you from one Greek Island to the next! Whileyou arethere you can double down and hit the MEGA WINS! Don’tforget totake lots of pictures of the gorgeous scenery!
Free Casino: Steampunk Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
Get ready for the Glory of Steampunk! Themostpowerful and advanced steam powered gadgets with the bestrobotsand fashion! Time for fun and games with machines on thenet!Steampunk Slots! BOOST MULTIPLIER, MEGA WINS and FREE SPINS!Game Features► Robot MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Machine HD graphics, Cool HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins with gadget master!► Auto-spins, free spins and mini games galore► Boost your fashion with boost multiplier!► Get wild with Wildcards► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!19th century fashion meets modern age! Get ready for thecoolestgadgets, hats and gowns from the 1800’s paired withingeniousmachines and gizmos!Wait, what does that mean? What is Steampunk? It’s more thanthebest clothing and accessories! More than the best mesh of theoldworld style and modern innovation! It’s a state of mind!.The word “steam” from steampunk fashion refers to the golden daysofsteam ships, long voyages and exciting exploration.Don’t think we are just getting together playing slotswithVictorian era garb! It’s so much more! Steampunk combineselementsof medieval fashion, goth and gypsy fashion withIndustrial, urbanand punk fashion! Get ready for killer slotsparty!Steampunk Slots is the best niche slots on the net! With HDhanddrawn graphics and piercing HD Sound! You won’t find a betterslot!This game has it all! Multiple lines, BIGGER bets and FREESPINS.Not to mention the FREE COINS and AUTO-SPIN. If you arelooking fora fashion slot with the best designs then this is theslot foryou!
Slots of the Golden Condor 1.0
Green Zebra Games
The Golden Condor – a symbol of thelargesttreasure known to man! This golden flying icon has inspiredmany toset out in search of ancient Aztec treasure! But they wereallmissing one thing! Slots of the Golden Condor! MEGA slot WINSandFREE SPINS!Game Features► Awesome MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Brilliant HD graphics!► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins!► Golden Condor, auto-spins and free spins!► Boost your winnings with boost multiplier!► Wild winnings with Wildcards► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!► Auto spins and Fast stop!► Premium sound effects► Mini games galore!!!Where did the golden condor come from you ask? It was oncethecrest of an ancient Aztec king! The king believed that thecondorcould fly directly into the heavens. And since his soulwasdirectly connected to the condor – he too could flyintoheaven!This Aztec king became wealthy beyond imagination! He wasforcedto build several Aztec pyramids in order to contain all ofhisgold! Naturally at the entrance of each of these pyramids wasagolden condor!Explores who stumbled upon the first pyramid saw thegoldencondor and thought for certain that they have found theking'streasure! But they were mistaken. When they entered thetreasureroom – there was nothing there – except for Slots of theGoldenCondor!You can’t help but love Slots of the Golden Condor! It’s themostexciting and fun Aztec slot around! The sound of the slotswill haveyou searching for treasure! This multi-line slot willkeep youplaying for hours on end. HD graphics that will make youcrave gold!FREE SPINS, Boost multiplier, Bigger Max Bet and muchmore.
Carnival Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
Welcome to Brazil my friends! You are justintime for the carnival – the biggest party in the world! Getreadyfor a night of dancing, clowns and fun! Grab a drink, hitthestreets and play some.Game Features► Carnival MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Awesome HD graphics, Remarkable HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on slot machine wins, while dancing inthestreets!► Party with auto-spins, free spins and mini games galore!► Boost the fun with boost multiplier!► Get wild with Wildcards► iPhone! Yes! Android! Yes! iPad and tablet! Hell Yes!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!Can you hear the drums? The carnival is down here! Let’s go!Graba beer and let’s hit the road. Wow, check out those dancers!Haveyou ever seen costumes like that! Look at the gold andfeathers!!!!This is going to be an awesome night!This is one of the best parts of the carnival – floats! Theyareso ornate! The floats are designed in so many differentways!Soccer floats, native floats, dragon floats – kind of scary!Morethan that! They have a slots float! Let’s spin!MEGA WINS and carnival SPINS, the locals are getting wild!Afterwe play some slots, we need to prepare for this party.Everyonemake sure to grab enough wildcards to last you a few days,youmight get lost in the confetti. This will be the biggestJackpotever!Carnival slots is the best wild carnival slot on the NET! WithHDhand drawn graphics and Brazilian carnival HD Sound! You won’tfinda better slot! This game has it all! Multiple lines, BIGGERbets andFREE SPINS. Not to mention the FREE COINS and AUTO-SPIN.If you arelooking for a carnival slot party, this is the slot foryou!
Zeus's Thunder Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
A classic fan favorite! Can you feelZeus’spower? It’s flowing through us all! Play Zeus’s Thunder Slotsandsee the lighting when you win! This is the best Greek Godslotsaround! So strap yourself in and get ready to win big!Zeus’sThunder Slots! MEGA slot WINS and FREE SPINS!Game Features► Classic MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Awesome HD graphics!► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins!► Olympus, auto-spins and free spins!► Boost your winnings with boost multiplier!► Wild lightnings and Wildcards► iPhone! YES Android! YES iPad and tablet! YES► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!► Auto spins and Fast stop!► Premium sound effects► Mini games galore!!!By popular demand, Zeus has made his return to a vintageslotnear you! Zeus’ slots are out of this world! Really! They comefromthe world of the gods! Imbued with all of the power oftheOlympus!Vegas slots are a dime a dozen, but godly vintage Vegas slotsarea big find! You can spend hours spinning this slot and you willonlyget stronger! The power of Zeus will flow through you as youstartspinning jackpots!However, you should know… Zeus can be a petty God! So becarefulnot to cross him! As long as you stay on his good side – youwillbe racking in the slot winnings! So get excited – this slotisabout to change your life!You can’t help but love Zeus’ Thunder Slots! It’s themostexciting and fun classic slot around! The sound of the slotswillhave you running to Olympus! This multi-line slot will keepyouplaying for hours on end. HD graphics that will make you spinallnight!! FREE SPINS, Boost multiplier, Bigger Max Bet andmuchmore.
Twin Diamonds Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
Twin Diamonds Slot Machine is the gamewhereyou can transform into a High Roller. Imagine the thrill ofwinningwith the HIGHEST PAYING Slots experience outside a real LasVegascasino. Be entertained for hours while you spin your waytoCHAMPION JACKPOTS in the Slots that’s certain to become yournewfavorite game.★★★★★ Game Features ★★★★★►Choose up to 20 bet lines for easy and massive wins onthisgreat Classic Slot Machine!►Magnificent Bonuses! Daily Lucky Wheel Prizes and FREE BonusCoinsevery 4 hours!►Dazzling HD Graphics complement superior HD Sounds & ahandyMultilingual UI!►Enjoy authentic gameplay and OUTSTANDING payouts just likecasinosworldwide!►Every spin has the potential for FANTASTIC wins & guaranteesanexciting experience!►Play this classic 5 Reels Slot Machine with Auto Spin optiontorake in the big wins!►Be amazed by how many Wild Symbols Replace ANY Symbol!►Win MORE with Boost Winnings Multiplier and Double themDown!►Get ready for some AWESOME FREE SPINS with theScatterfeature!►Win EVEN MORE – our Level Up system gets you FREE COINS,extralines and higher max bet!

DescriptionRevel in the splendor of playing a gorgeous Free CasinoSlotsthat has loads of diamonds and even more understated,elegantstyle. The four c’s of diamonds are cut, clarity, color, andcarat.Clarity and color are important if you want to procure arealdiamond specimen. In Free Slots, all you need to win isanabundance of diamonds materializing regularly. They do inthisSlots, showing off their dazzling brilliance and making you abigwinner. This Classic Slot Machine features lucky sevensymbols,cherry symbols, bar symbols, and Unique Diamond symbolsthat areready to align to bring forth the best luck and fortunesever. ThisFree Casino Slots excels at providing top notch odds toensure thatplayers take home immense jackpots. Get nostalgic withclassic HDgraphics that are a throwback to simpler times in thisFree Slots.Cool HD sounds enhance the gameplay to make this FreeSlots anenjoyable way to pass time. Winning is easy and morefrequent thelonger you play. Free Bonuses are like the sprinkles onyour sundaethat you get in this Free Slots. Bonus Coins are thecherries ontop. Gobble up the gold and delicious fun that can beyours in TwinDiamonds Slot Machine.
Shadow Panther Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
The Shadow Panther is one of theworld’sdeadliest predators – you see, when the Shadow Pantherstalks you,you won’t know he is around until it’s too late! So it’sgreat thatthe Shadow Panther is on your side! Shadow Panther Slots!MEGA slotWINS and FREE SPINS!Game Features► Awesome MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Brilliant HD graphics!► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins!► Panthers, auto-spins and free spins!► Boost your skills with boost multiplier!► Wild animals and Wildcards► iPhone! YES Android! YES iPad and tablet! YES► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!► Auto spins and Fast stop!► Premium sound effects► Mini games galore!!!Panthers are majestic animals! Their silky black coats helpthemblend into the dark green of the deep jungle! Their intenseyelloweyes may lead you to believe that they are friendly, butyouwouldn’t want to mess with them! And their long tails say‘let'sspin some slots’!Have you seen the size of a panther’s paw? It’s a lot biggerthanmy hand – that’s for sure! These creatures are incrediblypowerfuland agile! They can run, jumping from one tree to theother, withoutskipping a beat!In many native fables, the panthers are the guardians ofthejungle! They protect the innocent, helpless animals fromlarger,stronger predators! But in order to do that, you have to beonekick ass panther!You can’t help but love Shadow Panther Slots! It’s themostexciting jungle slot around! The sound of the slots willhaveexploring the jungle! This multi-line slot will keep youplayingfor hours on end. HD graphics that will make you chill withapanther! FREE SPINS, Boost multiplier, Bigger Max Bet andmuchmore.
Murder Mystery Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
Who killed Dr. Franks? And where did ithappen?Can you figure out the murder weapon? Perhaps it was Mrs.Walton, inthe library with a slot machine? Download and play now!Game Features► Find Clues for MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Killer HD graphics, Awesome HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins with your partnerincrime!► Discover auto-spin, free spins and mini games galore► Super Sleuth boost with boost multiplier!► Find wild clues with Wildcards► iPhone! Android! iPad and tablet!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!Get ready for fun and mystery, adventure with the bestdetectivegame around! Search your slots for clues and try to putthe piecestogether. Who is the killer, where did he or she committhe crimeand how was it done… can you solve the mystery? If youlove slotslike Dragon Play, Gladiator Slots and Pharaoh SlotMachine, thenyou’re going to love the mystery and intensity ofMurder MysterySlots!A body was found yesterday at 2548 Dudley Road – a mansion ontheother end of town. The body was found in the Salon. There wereonlyfive people at the residence when the body was discovered.Three ofthe five were close family… the other two – we have notyetidentified.There was a candlestick, a knife and a bat found next tothebody. Also, there was a lock of brown hair found in thevictim’shand. Can you solve the mystery? Yes, the family would keeptheirslots in the salon – do you think this is relevant to thecase?Let’s put the clues together. The hair in the victims handwasbrown, and judging by its length and curls, belongs to afemale,brunet. The victim has a round gash on his forehead. Therewas onlyone female in the house at the time… thus, the murderermust beSusie, she killed the victim in the salon with a club. Areyou adetective? Put the clues together and play some slots!Download andplay now!Our Users SayYou nailed this game!Best murder mystery ever!Great clues, great fun!Coolest Pokie out there!
Cheerleader Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
Hey girls, are you ready for the game? Wehavegot to pick up these guys if we are going to make it tothechampionship! Are you ready for a sexy adventure withbeautifulcheerleaders? Then you have come to the right place.Game Features► Pompom MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Beautiful HD graphics!► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins!► Dance, auto-spins and free spins!► Boost your cheer with boost multiplier!► Go wild with Wildcards► iPhone! YES Android! YES iPad and tablet! YES► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!► Auto spins and Fast stop!► Premium sound effects► Mini games galore!!!Cheerleader Slots has finally arrived! Be prepared to spinslotswith the hottest cheerleaders on the net! Pick up the crowd atthefootball game with beautiful girls and of course pompoms! Allyouhave to do is remember to double down when the time isright!The big game is tonight! We need to come up with some newcheers!How can we get these guys excited enough to win this game?I know,we can cheer and promise them a game of slots if they win!How couldthey resist that?That’s a great idea! Okay girls, this might be the biggestgameof the season for us! You are all very pretty – but tonightyouneed to be beautiful and sexy! So do what you have to do togetready and don’t for get to spin the luck slot before gametime!You can’t help but love Cheerleader Slots! The sound of theslotswill have you cheering on your favorite team! This multi-lineslotwill keep you playing for hours on end. HD graphics that willmakeyou fall in love with these girls! FREE SPINS, Boostmultiplier,Bigger Max Bet and much more. You gotta check this out!And textyour friends – they’re going to love it too!
Spirit of Giving Slots 1.03
Green Zebra Games
Families across America invite friendsandneighbors to join in on this special day. Together, amongstlovingconversation and laughter, families one by one give thanksfor thethings most dear to them. Join the Spirit of Giving Slots ingivingthanks this Holiday Season!Game Features► Thankful MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Lovable HD graphics, Warm HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins!► Close family, auto-spins, free spins and mini games galore► Boost your thanks with boost multiplier!► Cut the turkey with Wildcards► iPhone! Android! iPad and tablet!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!Thanksgiving is a day of love, gratitude and family. It is atimewhen we are able to see past the petty things in life andfocus onwhat really matters. To see the blessings bestowed uponus, ourchildren, our friends and our good fortunes. Do you loveonlineslots like Wizard of Oz, Zeus – Mount Olympus and CleopatraEgyptianslots? Then you’ll really appreciate the Spirit of GivingSlots!FREE!Every year I get so excited for Thanksgiving – sure, I lovetowatch the football games and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade–but that is not why I get excited. I get excited becausemychildren are coming home! And they are bringing children oftheirown!There is nothing like sitting around the fire with the familyaftera delicious Thanksgiving meal. The crackle of the flames andthetaste of apple cider bring me back to my childhood. How theyearsfly. But I can see in my children’s eyes the same loveandappreciation that I have every year at this time.The Spirit of Giving is unique to each individual. For some itistheir children, for others it is their parents. And yet forothersit is the goodwill done for them by the people around themand thegoodwill that they have done. This year take the time togive thanks– have a Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy the Spirit of GivingSlots!Slot Fans SayThis is a really giving slot, thank you!Lots of fun and lots of thanks!Awesome pokie!I can’t wait to show my sister, she is going to love it!
Zodiac Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
Do you know your horoscope? Do you wantto?Here is a question, if you could know the future – would youwantto know it? It does have its benefits – for example, you’llmake akilling playing slots!Game Features► Destiny and MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► See the Future HD graphics, Read the stars HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins!► Horoscope specials: auto-spin, free spins, mini gamesgalore► Boost your destiny with boost multiplier!► Wildcards and wild stars – see what your future holds!► iPhone? Yes! Android? Yes! iPad and tablet? Yes!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!What do you mean horoscope? Listen, this is great. Yourhoroscopewill tell you your future based on the alignment of thestars andplanets when you were born! It’s brilliant!I went to a wonderful lady who could really read horoscopes,shewas spot on. She knew me based on hearing my birthday. She knewmypersonality traits, the things that I liked – even the typeofpeople I am attracted to. It was a crazy experience.Wow, really? What did she say about your future? This isthecrazy part. She said that I am destined to become very wealthy.Shementioned that I will see two signs, one in the stars and one onaslot machine. Her instructions were to play the slot machinewiththe sign at the same time that I see the sign in the stars…what doyou think? I think you are going to win big atmulti-lineslots!Play Horoscope Slots! You’re going to love it. Thebestmulti-line slot game with high payouts and no charge. Don’tworry,this game is so stimulating, it's hard to put down. Play withyourfriends or play it with your special someone – it’s a blast.Theslot machine horoscope is one swipe away. Download andplaynow!
Surfer Slots 1.01
Green Zebra Games
Get ready for epic surfing andincredibleslots! Hear the ocean, ride the waves, take in the beautyof theAustralian coast – all while playing killer slots! SurferSlots hasgot everything you ever wanted!Game Features► LA Beach MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Blue Sea HD graphics, Epic HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins and ride a wave!► Chillin on the beach with auto-spin, free spins and minigamesgalore► Double your waves with boost multiplier!► Wild Surfing with Wildcards► iPhone! Android! iPad and tablet!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!Dude, we have got to go to Australia NOW! Why bro, what’sgoingon? It’s the world’s largest slot surfing tournament! Everyoneisgoing to be there! Grab your board and let’s GO! Do youlovesurfing and playing Dragon Play, Vegas Slots and Slots vsZombies?Then you will love hanging ten with Surfer Slots!Hey bro! Grab your long board! Let’s catch a few waves! Whythelong board, bro? How else can you surf and play slots, theshortboard can’t handle both! That’s right, you heard it first here–surfing slots on the sea! What could be more exciting thanmegawins and wipeouts!Dude, lets head down to the beach and catch some waves! Yabro,that sounds awesome! Do you think there will be some nicewavestoday? I hope so man! I just hope I don’t wipe out! Don’tworry –wiping out is skill! Especially if you do it playingslots!We are all equal before the waves and the slots! This isateaching of the great Surfer Dude! He also said, if you’re havingabad day catch a wave! Surfer Slots is by far the hottest slotgamearound. One spin on this slot game will send you flying downawave! Pack your board, sing a song and score those FREEspins!Multi-line slots with lots of wipeouts – who could ask foranythingmore!Users SayAwesome slot! I play on the beach!Epic slot, epic theme!Thank u!My brother will love this slot, thnx!
Tomb of the Aztec Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
Be aware of the Tomb of the Aztec! True,thereis much gold to be found! But don’t forget about Montezuma andhisrevenge! No amount of money in the world is worth hisrevenge!However, the thrill of Aztec slots will make it allworthwhile!Game Features► Treasure trove MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Hand drawn HD graphics, Aztec HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins with Cortez!► Auto-spins, free spins and mini games galore► Boost your fortune with boost multiplier!► Get wild in the jungle Wildcards► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!Legend tells of a great kingdom in the uncharted lands of theNewWorld! Are ready to join the explorers in search of the famedAztecEmpire? If so, don’t forget your slots and get ready tosail!There in the distance, that is an Aztec pyramid! That iswherethey would bury their royal families! According to Aztec lore,theywould bury their royal family with enough gold to beincrediblywealth in the world to come! Let’s check it out!This seems dangerous! I want to find the money and the gold,butit’s really dark in here. What if there are demons or spiritsofthe fallen Aztec people. Don’t worry you’ll be fine. Let’sjustfind the secret treasure! Okay, if you insist! Wow, look at allofthat gold!You can’t help but play Tomb of the Aztec Slots! The sound oftheslots and the desire for secret treasure are just too alluring.Thisdangerous, multi-line slot game will keep you captivated forhours.Prime HD graphics and awesome HD sound will draw you in.Downloadand play now! FREE!
Poker Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
You got to know when to hold’em, know whentofold’em, know when to walk away and know when to run! Thispokergame aint for the faint of heart! But if you are poker loverwhocan handle a serious game of slots – this might be the gameforyou!Game Features► Casino MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Real Hand Drawn HD graphics, Casino Quality HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on slot machine wins with in Vegas!► Full house, auto-spin, free spins and mini games galore!► Get a flush with boost multiplier!► Bluff with Wildcards► iPhone! Yes! Android! Yes! iPad and tablet! Poker Face!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!Welcome to the Vegas Multi-Line Slot Texas Holdem Tournament!Ifyou are playing, it’s because we noticed that you are one ofthebest! Now is your chance to prove it! We’re talking sternpokerfaces, killer card shuffles and royal flushes! If youenjoyedDragon Play, Gladiator Slots and Pharaohs Slot Machine, thenyouare going to love Poker Slots! Completely Free!I’ll tell you, sitting at a poker table with such alargeaudience is not easy. You can really tell that these pokerstarsare starting to feel the pressure. The pot is up to about$1.5million – go big or go home, right? Here comes the call! Wow!BodBradley just won with a royal flush! Can you believe it?!?A $1.5 million pot – who in their right mind would bluffwiththat? I bet Tommy Franks is kicking himself in the behindafterthat move. But I guess that’s why they calling a gambling –youdon’t win big without taking a gamble!Poker Slots is by far the most exciting gambling slotgamearound. One spin on this slot game will send you to straighttoVegas! Sit back and enjoy the FREE spins! Multi-line slots withapoker twist – who could ask for anything more! Call yourfriendsand play together!Here is what some of our fans are sayingFantastic Slot!What a great Theme, so much fun!Thnx for this Pokie, It its thrilling!This slot rocks, I never want to stop playing
Winter Wonderland Slots 1.01
Green Zebra Games
Welcome to a winter wonderland! Where youcandash through the snow and make spirits bright! Get ready tojoinSanta on his sleigh tonight – I heard he likes to play slotswhilehe flies.Game Features► Joly Santa MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Mrs. Claus HD graphics, Elf HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on slot machine wins! Check the list twice!► Gifts? Auto-spin, free spins and mini games galore!► Boost Santa’s sleigh with boost multiplier!► Wildcards and wild reindeer!► iPhone! Yes. Android! Yup. iPad and tablet! MerryChristmas!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!There is snow everywhere! This is the greatest day ever! Doyouwant to build a snow man??? We can build 100 snowmen with allofthis snow. Better yet, let’s build a snow fort and lots ofsnowballs! If you loved slots like My Vegas, Music TV Slots andCaesarsSlots – then you are really going to love Winter WonderlandSlots!Santa, Slots, Carols all for FREE!Deck the halls with boughs of holly and get ready to find lotsofpresents underneath your tree this year! What do you thinkSantawill bring you? Really? Online multi-line slots! That’s socool – Ihope he brings the same for me!That’s right. HD quality graphics and Christmas Carolqualitysound that will have you roasting chestnuts over an openfire.Gather your friends and spike your eggnog – this winterwonderlandis just getting started.Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! What fun it wouldbeto play slots on a one horse open sleigh! All the reindeerarerunning to get to the North Pole in time. Will they make it?Doubledown on your next spin and help them out! Santa need hisreindeer.This Christmas take a few minutes, relax, grab your eggnogand rackup your FREE Christmas Spins! Free coins and MEGA WINS.You’regoing to love this white winter wonderland.Here is what people are sayingThanks for this Pokie, Merry Christmas!This is great! The family will love it!Greatest Christmas present ever!Thnx this is wonderful!
Movie Monsters Slots 1.01
Green Zebra Games
The police found another body today.Apparentlythe body of a 24 year old female. She was sitting infront of a slotmachine, completely drained of her blood. Thissounds like the workof Dracula… He’s Back! MEGA WINS, BIGGER MAXBETS! FREE!Game Features► Mummifying MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Horrifying HD graphics, Screaming HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on slot machine wins with Frankenstein!► Use your auto-spin, free spins and mini games galorewithWolfman!► Try to stay alive using boost multiplier!► Get Dracula wild with Wildcards► iPhone! Yes Master! Android! Yes my lord! iPad and tablet! Iwantto suck your blood!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!All of your favorite classic movie monsters converge in onegame!That’s right, get ready to hit mega wins with the Wolfman andtheMummy by your side. Don’t be afraid – they won’t eat you untilafteryou win!Locked away, deep inside a dark and mysteriouscastle,Frankenstein waits. An unaccepting world is driving him madwithrage. The torch toting crowed in front of the castle iscausingthis monster’s blood to boil. Thank goodness he has MovieMonsterSlots to keep him occupied!The Wolfman has returned and this time he isn’t playingnice.Lock up your daughters, lock up your loved ones - this monsterwillstop at nothing to cause as much mayhem as animally possible!Thistime you can’t hide behind your slots – they are all onlinenow!You might want to try hiding behind a wall.Movie Monster Slots is the best monster slot yet. Thesescary,classic monsters are going on a grim adventure to wreak havocon anunsuspecting slot world. Join these monsters in an HDmulti-lineslot nightmare through FREE COINS, WILDCARDS and BIGBETS. Butdon’t go alone! Call your best friend and stay alivetogether!Swipe, Download and play now!
Commando Slots 1.02
Green Zebra Games
Listen up commandos, we have just receivedourorders. We are going in guns blazing. Our objective is retrieveakick ass slot machine and defeat all the bad guys! We cannothaveany mistakes on this one, are you ready?Game Features► Commando MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Killer HD graphics, Trooper HD sound► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins! Commando Team!► Take the shot, auto-spins, free spins and mini games galore► Hit the target with boost multiplier!► Wild missions and Wildcards► iPhone! Yes Sir! Android! Yes Sir! iPad and tablet!YesCommander!► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!All right troopers, now that we are airborne, we can discussthespecifics of the mission. We are flying into the heartSovietRussia. We will hit one of their most heavily guardedmilitaryfacilities and extract the package! Pack lots of ammo anddon’tforget your knives!Soldiers, last ammo check! Check your guns and get ready.Standby for drop on… 3… 2… 1… Go! Go! Go! Great! We all landedsafely.Get into formation. We have the cover of night on our side.Here wego. Team 1 hit the entrance, team 2 secure the perimeter andteam 3follow me!We are in the facility, private – up ahead on the left therearetwo guards. Use your knife to take them out. Make it silent!Goodjob private. Now team 3 follow me! We have the package, let’sgetit out of here and get home… so we can finally playtheseslots!You want it? You got it! The most exciting slot game yet!Thebiggest guns in the commando world all in one slot! The mostactionyou will find! Choose your lines, double down, get free coinsandhit it big! It’s enough to make seal teams giddy!
Slots of Dracula 1.0
Green Zebra Games
Dracula has returned from his slumber andisonce again prowling the streets! He is in search of love andofcourse will terrorize the night until he finds her! Choose thesideof darkness and win big at Dracula Slots! MEGA slot WINS andFREESPINS!Game Features► Killer MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Horrifying HD graphics!► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins!► Romance, auto-spins and free spins!► Stop Dracula with boost multiplier!► Wild vampires and Wildcards► iPhone! YES Android! YES iPad and tablet! YES► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!► Auto spins and Fast stop!► Premium sound effects► Mini games galore!!!Did you hear, Dracula is free and he took my wife! He wantstomake her his undead bride! We must stop that monster – beforeIloose the love of my life! This will be a match to the death…whois with me?Dracula is strongest at night, so we should attack duringtheday! He has fortified himself into the old Bruin Castle, justonthe hill there! We will sneak in and put a stake through hisheart!Here is the plan!Do you hear that in the distance? It sounds like wolves! Nothebats… there are bats flying in the castle! Wait, bats sleepduringthe day… does that mean that Dracula is awake? It makesnodifference – we are here now… lets finish what we started!You can’t help but love Dracula Slots! It’s the most excitingandfun vampire slot around! The sound of the slots will haveyouhunting vampires! This multi-line slot will keep you playingforhours on end. HD graphics that will make you carve a stake!FREESPINS, Boost multiplier, Bigger Max Bet and much more.
Classic Slots:Buffalo Stampede 1.0
Green Zebra Games
American Indians were truly the salt oftheearth! Their connection to the spirit world allowed them toconnectto nature and the animals around them in a way unknown tothe whiteman! It also allowed them to connect to their slot machinetotempoles! Buffalo Stampede Slots! MEGA slot WINS and FREE SPINS!PlayNOW!Game Features► American MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Indian HD graphics!► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins!► Nature, auto-spins and free spins!► Boost your spirits with boost multiplier!► Tipis and Wildcards► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!► Auto spins and Fast stop!► Premium sound effects► Mini games galore!!!Welcome to our village! We are proud native warriors! Wefightevil in this world and connect with the good spirits whoremain innature! We find that some creatures in this world have theabilityto possess both good and evil spirits – we struggle withthesebeasts!The Buffalo embodies the spirit of nature! At times thebuffalois a calm, tame beast and at the drop of a featheredheadgear it’sthundering across the plains, unstoppable andforeveruntamable.Come with us back to a time when the buffalos filled theplains,like an ocean of life. Ride a wild mustang with yourbloodbrothers, covered in war paint for protection. The wind inyourhair, and your bow and arrow notched and ready for thehunt!
Buffalo Rush Slots 1.0
Green Zebra Games
American Indians were truly the salt oftheearth! Their connection to the spirit world allowed them toconnectto nature and the animals around them in a way unknown tothe whiteman! It also allowed them to connect to their slot machinetotempoles! Buffalo Rush Slots! MEGA slot WINS and FREE SPINS! PlayNOW!Game Features► American MEGA wins!► 20 Reel Slots and YOUR choice of line count!► FREE Bonus Coin & Lucky Prize Wheel EVERY 4 hours► Indian HD graphics!► Level Up: Free coins, MORE lines, BIGGER bet max!► Double Down on your slot machine wins!► Nature, auto-spins and free spins!► Boost your spirits with boost multiplier!► Tipis and Wildcards► iPhone! YES Android! YES iPad and tablet! YES► Want more great games and cool apps? Check our Other Games► Multilingual UI: free online slots in your language!► Auto spins and Fast stop!► Premium sound effects► Mini games galore!!!Welcome to our village! We are proud native warriors! Wefightevil in this world and connect with the good spirits whoremain innature! We find that some creatures in this world have theabilityto possess both good and evil spirits – we struggle withthesebeasts!The Buffalo embodies the spirit of nature! At times thebuffalois a calm, tame beast and at the drop of a featheredheadgear it’sthundering across the plains, unstoppable andforeveruntamable.Come with us back to a time when the buffalos filled theplains,like an ocean of life. Ride a wild mustang with yourbloodbrothers, covered in war paint for protection. The wind inyourhair, and your bow and arrow notched and ready for thehunt!You can’t help but love Buffalo Rush Slots! It’s the mostspiritualIndian slot around! The sound of the slots will have youhuntingbuffalo on the plains! This multi-line slot will keep youplayingfor hours on end. HD graphics that will make you feel likeone ofthe tribe! FREE SPINS, Boost multiplier, Bigger Max Bet andmuchmore.